Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Let's not wait so long next time ...

It's been a long time - I know! This post will kind of catch you up from the move-in until now and more current pictures will follow.

Hubby, Cooper, and I are settled into our home and loving it! I'll be honest - sometimes I sing really loudly or yell just because I can. I love that I can do cool things like that now that we have our own home and I don't feel like I need to be considerate of very close neighbors. (=

Since moving in, we've accomplished quite a few more things. 

We bought some arborvitaes at a fire company mud sale and planted them at the very back of our yard to give us some privacy from the parking lot. Grow big and strong, little ones!

Barry and our friend, Jonny, put in a path to the garage (to avoid muddy mornings), hand-dug our first garden, and hung up my wash line! I know - the garden looks more like a burial plot - but it sufficed. This year we had snap peas, carrots, onions, and raspberries. I'd like to try some new things next year, but decided to start off small and easy.

 I begged Barry to plant some forsythia. Good thing he didn't.

Since there was no landscaping around the house, Barry dug a flower bed out front and one along the side. Looks pretty nice, but I might be biased. 

Before ...

… and after!

We also repainted the garage. No more peeling/chipping paint!

And to end this post - CHICKENS! My oh-so-talented husband whipped up this deluxe coop for me. I'm not sure what my draw to chickens is, but I've always thought about having a few. We bought a few, traded a few, and even lost one, and currently have 5. Three of them are laying right now. One even gives us blue eggs! They definitely have personalities and totally remind me of mini dinosaurs when they run.

That'll be all for now. I'll try to keep this more current from here on out!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for your own house to yell and dance in!

    May I just say your chicken comment (comparing them to dinosaurs) totally cracked me up - so true!
